Choosing the Right Homeschool Curriculum
Picking a homeschool curriculum can be a difficult task for someone new to homeschool programs. The number of children receiving a homeschool education has been growing significantly over the past few years. The most recent government statistics estimate that there were 1.5 million homeschooled children in 2007, compared to 850,000 in 1999. Currently, about 2.2 percent of school age children are homeschoolers. With more and more parents choosing to teach their kids at home, the number and types of homeschool resources available have been growing, too.
One important thing to consider is the learning style and temperment of your children. A curriculum that works well for one student, may not be right for another. Different subjects may require very different methods and materials. Another important consideration is your own comfort with the different subjects, for example math and science versus history and language. You may need more detailed material in certain areas in order to teach your children effectively. Also, you may need to change curriculum occasionally to keep your child engaged and interested.
Homeschool curriculum resources can be expensive, so it is important to take time to investigate your options and make the best possible choice. With so many choices available, there is no need to design your own program from scratch. Here are some suggestions of where to start when choosing the best homeschool materials for you and your children.
General Homeschooling Resources & Guides
Homeschool Curriculum for Younger Children
Homeschool High School Curriculum